Workforce housing through adaptive reuse


Repvblik focuses on the adaptive reuse of all classes of real estate into workforce housing.



Through the adaptive reuse of obsolete commercial real estate, Repvblik develops quality, amenity-rich workforce housing without the reliance on any low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC) or other government-funded programs. By repurposing existing structures, we reduce the cost of building housing, and as a consequence, rents are lower than for new construction. Repvblik’s target market consists of moderate- and middle-income populations that generally earn between 60% and 120% of a region’s Area Median Income (AMI).



Development Pillars


Adaptive reuse retains a building’s original embodied energy by bypassing wasteful demolition and construction. Extending the life cycle of existing buildings conserves resources and reduces a building’s environmental impact as it relates to carbon emissions and waste.

Community Driven

At all our properties, branded “Plato’s”, we aim to address the needs of an increasingly remote work structure, and evolving employment market by offering co-working spaces and educational programs for our tenants and communities. With amenity-rich spaces in campus-like environments, we hope to build a true community and sense of belonging for our residents.

Equitable Development

It is increasingly difficult for middle-income workers to live in the cities in which they work. Stagnant wages, ever-increasing living expenses, and a limited inventory of affordable housing options have forced many workers to move to cities’ outskirts or seek temporary and seasonal housing solutions. Our goal is to create safe and accessible affordable housing options across the country.